Emma argues with principal figgins

emma argues with principal figgins

emma argues with principal figgins, Emma Pillsbury is a fictional character on the American musical comedy-drama television series Glee. Portrayed by Jayma Mays, Emma is a guidance counselor, choir director, and Spanish teacher at William McKinley High School. She is marry to Mr. Schuester, the glee club director.

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Principal Figgins is a fictional character on the American musical comedy-drama television series Glee. Portrayed by Iqbal Theba, Figgins is the principal of William McKinley High School. He is a strict and often over-the-top administrator who is constantly at odds with the glee club.

In the episode “Journey” from the second season of Glee, Emma and Principal Figgins have a heated argument. The argument begins when Emma tries to convince Figgins to let the glee club perform at the Regionals competition. Figgins is reluctant to allow the glee club to compete, as they have been in trouble on numerous occasions.

Must Read=Emma argues with principal figgins

Emma argues that the glee club is important to the students and that it helps them to build their self-confidence. She also says that the glee club is a positive force in the school and that it brings people together.

Figgins is not swayed by Emma’s arguments. He says that the glee club is a liability and that he is not going to risk letting them compete. He also says that he is not going to let Emma defy his authority.

Emma is furious. She tells Figgins that he is a terrible principal and that he doesn’t care about the students. She also says that she will not give up on the glee club and that she will find a way for them to compete.

The argument ends with Figgins telling Emma to leave his office. Emma storms out, leaving Figgins sitting at his desk.

The argument between Emma and Principal Figgins is a significant moment in the series. It shows how much Emma cares about the glee club and how determined she is to help her students succeed. It also shows how much Figgins dislikes the glee club and how willing he is to use his power to try to shut them down.

The argument also highlights the different values of Emma and Principal Figgins. Emma believes in the power of the arts and the importance of giving students a voice. Figgins, on the other hand, is more concerned with maintaining order and control.

The argument between Emma and Principal Figgins is a reflection of the larger conflict between the glee club and the administration at William McKinley High School. The glee club represents the outsiders and the misfits, while the administration represents the status quo. The argument is a reminder of the importance of standing up for what you believe in, even when it is difficult.

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Analysis of the Argument

The argument between Emma and Principal Figgins can be analyz on a number of levels. On one level, it is a simple disagreement between two people with different values. Emma believes in the power of the arts and the importance of giving students a voice, while Figgins is more concerned with maintaining order and control. Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.

On another level, the argument can be seen as a metaphor for the larger conflict between the glee club and the administration at William McKinley High School. The glee club represents the outsiders and the misfits, while the administration represents the status quo. The argument is a reminder of the importance of standing up for what you believe in, even when it is difficult.

The argument can also be seen as a reflection of the current state of education in the United States. There is a growing emphasis on standardized testing and accountability, which has led to a narrowing of the curriculum and a focus on teaching to the test. This has left less time for the arts and other extracurricular activities, which are essential for students’ well-being.

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The argument between Emma and Principal Figgins is a reminder that we need to support the arts and other extracurricular activities in our schools. emma argues with principal figgins, These activities are not just frills; they are essential for students’ development. They help students to build their self-confidence, develop their creativity, and learn to work together.


The argument between Emma and Principal Figgins is a significant moment in the series Glee. It shows how much Emma cares about the glee club and how determined she is to help her students succeed. emma argues with principal figgins, It also shows how much Figgins dislikes the glee club and how willing he is to use his power to try to shut them down.

The argument also highlights the different values of Emma and Principal Figgins. Emma believes in the power of the arts and the importance of giving students a voice. Figgins, on the other hand, is more concerned with maintaining order and control. emma argues with principal figgins, The argument between Emma and Principal Figgins is a reflection of the larger conflict between the glee club and the administration at William McKinley High School. The glee club